
Kontakt informacije: |
Naziv lokalne zajednice: Grad Bijeljina Ime i prezime osobe/osoba koja će se nalaziti na štandu (virtualnom) u toku sajma: Ankica Todorović Kontakt e-mail: ankica.todorovic@gradbijeljina.org Kontakt Telefon: +387 (0)55 233 132 Adresa, grad, država: Trg kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 1, 76 300 Bijeljina, Republika Srpska (BiH) Link za zoom ili neki drugi komunikator preko kojeg želite održavati B2B sastanke: Web adresa: www.gradbijeljina.org Linkovi za društvene mreže: |
O lokalnoj zajednici: |
Geostrateški položaj Grad Bijeljina se nalazi na atraktivnom geostrateškom položaju – na tromeđi Srbije, Hrvatske i Republike Srpske/BiH, odnosno raskrsnici puteva između velikih urbanih i industrijskih centara – Beograda, Novog Sada, Banjaluke, Šapca, Tuzle, Sarajeva. Na oko trideset kilometara od Bijeljine je priključak na Panevropski koridor 10, odnosno, auto-put E-70 Beograd-Zagreb. Ovaj putni pravac je najkraća veza grada Bijeljina sa ova dva grada i, preko njih, sa zapadnom/srednjom Evropom i jugom/istokom Balkanskog poluostrva. Na teritoriji Grada su dva granična prelaza prema Srbiji preko rijeka Save i Drine (Rača i Pavlovića most) koji su nafrekventniji prelazi za saobraćaj sa zapada i juga Republike Srpske/BiH prema sjevernoj Srbiji i Beogradu. Na sjeveru Grad Bijeljina izlazi na plovni dio rijeke Save, dok su najbliže riječne luke u Brčkom i u Sremskoj Mitrovici (na 40, odnosno 67 kilometara od Bijeljine). Najbliža željeznička veza ka Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Zagrebu i dalje, prema ostatku Evrope je u Šidu, odnosno, Sremskoj Mitrovici u Srbiji. Međunarodni aerodrom u Tuzli je udaljen od Bijeljine 50 kilometara, aerodrom u Sarajevu 187 kilometara, a aerodrom u Banjaluci 220 kilometara, dok je aerodrom „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu (Srbija) od Bijeljine udaljen 121 kilometar. |
Dominantni privredni sektori: |
Posmatrano po djelatnostima, najveće učešće u broju aktivnih preduzeća imaju: trgovinska preduzeća (41,70%);preduzeća iz sektora prerađivačke industrije (15,72%);sektor stručne, naučne i tehničke djelatnosti (8,05%);građevinarstvo (7,78%);saobraćaj i skladištenje (6,33%).te ostale djelatnosti sa manjim učešćem. Grad Bijeljina je druga lokalna zajednica po stepenu razvijenosti u Republici Srpskoj i u njenoj ekonomiji zastupljeni su sljedeći privredni sektori: Primarni sektor – poljoprivreda, šumarstvo, lov i robolov: Povoljan prirodni položaj na obodu Panonske nizije i skoro potpuno ravničarski teren su omogućili razvoj poljoprivrede, pa je preovlađujući dio privrede zasnovan na poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, a Semberija se smatra žitnicom Republike Srpske i BiH. Najzastupljenije poljoprivredne kulture su žitarice sa 80% (pšenica, kukuruz, ječam), povrće sa 8% (kupus, po kojem je Semberija poznata širom nekadašnje Jugoslavije, lubenica, krastavac, paprika, paradajz…), industrijsko i krmno bilje 12% (šećerna repa, duvan, lucerka…). Sekundarni sektor – industrija, rudarstvo, građevinarstvo i proizvodno zanatstvo: U preradi poljoprivrednih proizvoda prednjače velike kompanije – Prehrambena industrija “Sava-Semberija”, “Spektar-drink” (https://spektardrink.net/), “Tanasić” (https://www.tanasic.net/) i drugi. Brojna mala i srednja preduzeća se bave proizvodnjom pekarskih proizvoda – “Bodaxco Impex” (https://bodaxco.com/), pekara “Braća Lazić” (https://pekarabracalazic.com/), kao i proizvodnjom kolača – poslastičarnice “San Marco” (https://sanmarco.ba/ i “Mozart” (https://mozartbn.com/)… Najveće kompanije u oblasti mesne industrije su “ZP komerc” (http://www.zpkomerc.ba/) i “Globus” (http://www.globus-group.net/), a preradom mlijeka se bavi “Mljekara Dule” (https://mljekaradule.com/). U Semberiji posluje i nekoliko proizvođača stočne hrane koji su dostigli najviše standarde u ovoj oblasti. Među njima se izdvajaju “Savić company” (http://www.saviccompany.com/), “Rakić komerc” (http://rakickomerc.com/), “Intergaj” (https://www.intergaj.com/) i “Kiko” (http://www.kiko.ba/). U metalskoj industriji zastupljena je proizvodnja i servis opreme u avio-industriji Vazduhoplovni zavod “Orao” (https://orao.aero/) i proizvodnja rezervnih dijelova za automobile “Pass”. Proizvodnjom građevinskog materijala bavi se bijeljinska industrija građevinskog materijala “Drina”, a nekoliko preduzeća eksploatišu šljunak i pijesak iz rijeke Drine i njenog priobalja. Najveći pogoni u drvnoj industriji u proizvodnji namještaja, stolarije, panel ploča, montažnih objekata i poluproizvoda od drveta su “Mega drvo” (http://www.megadrvo.net/sr/), “Steco Centar” (https://www.stecocentar.com/). Građevinarstvom se bave “Trifunčević” (https://trifuncevic.com/), “Buk promet” (https://bukpromet.com/), “Intergaj” (https://www.intergaj.com/), “Brodac-Promet”, “Graditelj”, “Higra”, “Necoms-Project” (https://necomsproject.com/), “Rimax invest” (https://www.rimaxinvest.ba/)… Tercijarni sektor – saobraćaj i telekomunikacije, trgovina, turizam, ugostiteljstvo, zanatstvo, bankarstvo i komunalna privreda: Geostrateški položaj Bijeljine i Semberije omogućava brz razvoj djelatnosti u ovom sektoru. Grad Bijeljina, sa oko 115.000 stanovnika je privukao najveće regionalne trgovinske lance koji su otvorili odlično snabdjevene megamarkete “Tropic” (https://tropic.ba/), “Konzum” (https://www.konzum.co.ba/), “FIS” (https://fis.ba/), “Robot” (https://robot.ba/), “Bingo” (https://www.bingotuzla.ba/), a najveći lokalni lanac supermarketa je “Bost” (https://bostbijeljina.com/). Osim toga, u ponudi je i roba brojnih svjetskih i domaćih brendova čiji proizvođači imaju svoja predstavništva ili distributere u Bijeljini. Pored konkurentnosti koja domaćim kupcima omogućava kupovinu robe po nižim cijenama u odnosu na druge sredine u Republici Srpskoj i BiH, mogućnost umanjenja cijene robe za iznos poreza na dodatu vrijednost (PDV) čini kupovinu u Bijeljini izuzetno povoljnom za kupce iz okolnih zemalja od kojih su najbrojniji državljani Srbije. Agrotržni centar “Knez Ivo od Semberije” (http://www.adgradbn.com/index.php/agrotrzni-centar/o-agrotrznom-centru) je izrastao u jednu od najvećih kvantaških pijaca za poljoprivredne proizvode u sjeveroistočnoj Republici Srpskoj i BiH, a na ovom prostoru su smještena sjedišta brojnih preduzeća i predstavništava. Agrotržni centar je i mjesto održavanja sajmova, od kojih je Poljoprivredni sajam “Interagro” (http://www.adgradbn.com/index.php/manifestacije/sajam-interagro) u septembru postao stalan. Turizam Zahvaljujući tradicionalnom gostoprimstvu Semberaca, sve kvalitetnijoj ponudi u oblastima vjerskog, lovnog, ribolovnog, banjskog, tranzitnog, sajamskog i etno turizma, tragovima bogate istorije i položaju na raskršću važnih putnih pravaca, Grad Bijeljina je postao privlačna turistička destinacija koju posjećuje sve više domaćih i stranih turista. Semberci sve više postaju svjesni turističkih mogućnosti svog zavičaja i ulažu značajna sredstva u razvoj ove privredne grane (https://www.bijeljinaturizam.com/). IT Jedna od najperspektivnih i najproduktivnijih grana privrede su djelatnosti u oblasti informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija. Sve više preduzeća u Bijeljini je specijalizovano za pružanje različitih usluga u ovoj oblasti (postavljanje kablovske mreže za fiksnu telefoniju i internet, izrada računarskih softvera, hardverska podrška, projektovanje, programiranje i izvedba računarskih mreža, projektovanje informacionih sistema, obuka kadrova i sl.). Prema evidenciji Agencije za posredničke, informatičke i finansijske usluge u Bijeljini je registrovano 105 preduzeća i samostalnih preduzetnika u ovoj grani privrede. Dobru osnovu za razvoj ovog sektora predstavlja sistemsko obrazovanje kadrova na nekoliko fakulteta i srednjoj tehničkoj školi. Mediji Zahvaljujući brojnim medijskim kućama sa sjedištem u Bijeljini i dopisništvima elektronskih i štampanih medija kao i, uglavnom mladim, zaljubljenicima u novinarstvo koji izvještavaju sa internet-portala i društvenih mreža, Bijeljina je već dugo vremena informativno središte sjeveroistočnog dijela Republike Srpske i BiH. Uticaj bijeljinskih medija je zapažen i u regionu, ali i u dijaspori koji tako na najbolji način vrše promociju Semberije i svih potencijala koje ovaj kraj ima. |
Industrijsko-poslovne zone: |
Industrijsko-poslovne zone su jedan od najvažnijih alata kojima Grad Bijeljina stvara preduslove za razvoj privrede, podstiče domaće i strane investicije, proizvodnju i izvoz, tranfer novih tehnologija i znanja, te stvaranje dodate vrijednosti. Takođe je bitno napomenuti da je Grad Bijeljina jedina JLS koja je uspjela uspješno uspostaviti više industrijsko-poslovnih zona u Republici Srpskoj. Ideja se zasniva na pretpostavci održivosti, pravilnom planiranju i korišćenju prostora, uz maksimalno očuvanje i zaštitu prirodnih resursa i životne sredine u cjelini. Industrijsko – poslovna zona 1 Površina/lokacija: 83,5 ha, sjeverozapadno urbano područje Grada Bijeljina Infrastruktura: Gradska vodovodna mreža, hidrantska, elektro i telefonska mreža, pristup internetu, saobraćajna infrastruktura. Osnovne djelatnosti: Trgovačko-uslužne i industrijsko-proizvodne djelatnosti. Broj privrednih subjekata: 21. Djelatnosti: Sječa drveta, proizvodnja proizvoda za građevinarstvo od plastičnih masa, proizvodnja sapuna i deterdženata, proizvodnja metalnih konstrukcija, proizvodnja mašina za poljoprivredu, proizvodnja, popravka i održavanje letjelica, trgovina, uslužne djelatnosti koje se odnose na informacione tehnologije, iznajmljivanje i poslovanje sa nekretninama. Slobodne parcele za investiranje: 0. Površina parcela za investiranje: 0,00 m2. Industrijsko – poslovna zona 2 Površina/lokacija: 126 ha, sjeverozapadno urbano područje Grada Bijeljina Infrastruktura: Gradska vodovodna mreža, hidrantska, elektro i telefonska mreža, pristup internetu, saobraćajna infrastruktura. Osnovne djelatnosti: Trgovačko-uslužne i industrijsko-proizvodne djelatnosti. Broj aktivnih privrednih subjekata: 6; Broj proizvodnih pogona u izgradnji: 20. Djelatnosti: Prikupljanje neopasnog otpada, testerisanje i blanjanje drveta (proizvodnja rezane građe); impregnacija drveta, ostalo štampanje, trgovina na veliko dijelovima i priborom za motorna vozila, proizvodnja ostalih mašina za opštu namjenu, ostala trgovina na malo u nespecijalizovanim prodavnicama. Slobodne parcele za investiranje: 0. Površina parcela za investiranje: 0,00 m2. Industrijsko – poslovna zona 3 Površina/lokacija: 22 ha, sjeverozapadno urbano područje Grada Bijeljina Infrastruktura: Gradska vodovodna mreža, hidrantska, elektro i telefonska mreža, pristup internetu, saobraćajna infrastruktura. Osnovne djelatnosti: Laka industrija i mala privreda. Broj aktivnih privrednih subjekata: 4. Djelatnosti: Proizvodnja ambalaže od plastičnih masa, proizvodnja gotovih proizvoda od metala, nespecijalizovana trgovina na veliko, reciklaža (prerada) razvrstanih materijala. Slobodne parcele za investiranje: 1. Površina parcela za investiranje: 7000,00 m2. Industrijsko – poslovna zona 4 – U pripremi Površina/lokacija: 191,68 ha, sjeverozapadno urbano područje Grada Bijeljina. Infrastruktura: Gradska vodovodna mreža, hidrantska, elektro i telefonska mreža, pristup internetu, saobraćajna infrastruktura. Namjena: Industrijsko-proizvodna zona, laka industrija, mala privreda. U narednom periodu neophodno je izvršiti izmjenu Regulacionog plana “Industrijska zona 4”, budući da jedan dio dionice “Auto-puta” Beograd-Sarajevo prolazi preko zone, nakon čega će se pristupiti daljoj realizaciji projekta uspostavljanje Industrijske zone radi stvaranja povoljnijeg poslovnog okruženja u gradu Bijeljina. |
Projekti u fazi realizacije i budući projekti |
Izgradnja nove autobuske stanice Na lokaciji stare željezničke stanice u toku je izgradnja nove autobuske stanice. Izgradnjom nove autobuske stanice stvoriće se uslovi za izmještanje prigradskog, međugradskog i međunarodnog autobuskog saobraćaja, čime će gužve u centru grada biti značajno smanjene. Kompleks autobuske stanice je podijeljen na četiri dijela, odnosno četiri glavne funkcije koje su neophodne za ovaj tip kompleksa. Glavni objekat-centralni dio autobuske stanice je putnička zgrada. Ono što je uticalo na redoslijed namjena ovakvih cjelina je upravo kretanje autobusa i pješaka. U prvoj fazi biće izgrađen peron za dolazak sa nadstrešnicom, glavna zgrada autobuske stanice-putnička zgrada, peron za odlazak sa nadstrešnicom i objekat kontrolne službe. U drugoj fazi biće izgrađen poslovni objekat komercijalne i uslužne djelatnosti. Rok za izvođenje radova je jul 2021. godine. Gasifikacija Grada Bijeljina Projekat gasifikacije Grada Bijeljina je u završnoj fazi. Izgrađeno je oko 300 kilometara primarne i sekundarne mreže. Izgrađen je transportni cjevodod Šepak-Bijeljina, u dužini od 20 km. U završnoj fazi je izgradnja i montaža primopredajne stanice “Šepak”, čime će se omogućiti nesmetano snabdijevanje Grada Bijeljina prirodnim gasom. Procjena je da je u predmetni projekat uloženo oko 20.000.000,00 KM. Izgradnja Auto-puta Između Savjeta ministara BiH i Vlade Republike Srpske zaključen je sporazum o saradnji na realizaciji projekta Auto-puta Sarajevo-Beograd. Auto-put Sarajevo-Beograd, dužinom od 37,8 km, prolazi kroz teritoriju Grada Bijeljina i trenutno je u toku postupak eksproprijacije zemljišta za izgradnju pomenute dionice. Parking garaža između ulica Save Kovačevića i 27. marta Predmetna lokacija na kojoj se planira izgradnja javne parking garaže u skladu sa Regulacionim planom “Centar grada”, nalazi se u južnom djelu centralne gradske zone, odnosno u najužem centru Bijeljine. Izgradnja nove multifunkcionalne sportske sale Strategijom lokalnog razvoja Grada Bijeljina 2014-2023. godina, planirana je izgradnja multifunkcionalne sportske sale, čime bi se stvorili prostorno-tehnički preduslovi za unapređenje kulturne ponude Grada, povećao broj korisnika sportsko-rekreativnih aktivnosti, ali i stekli uslovi za odigravanje premijerligaških i evropskih takmičenja u Bijeljini. U neposrednoj blizini planirana je i izgradnja “Sportsko rekreativnog kompleksa – fudbalski tereni sa pratećim sadržajima” u skladu sa urbanističkim projektom na lokalitetu MZ “Veljko Lukić”. Sanacija, rekonstrukcija i modernizacija izgrađenog dijela objekta hotela “Sveti Stefan” Dvorovi Započeta je realizacija projekta Sanacija, rekonstrukcija i modernizacija izgrađenog dijela objekta “Sveti Stefan” Dvorovi – Realizacijom projekta će se, kroz povećan broj noćenja i korišćenja banjsko-rekreativnih i rehabilitacionih potencijala, povećati i poboljšati turistička ponuda u gradu Bijeljina. Za realizaciju projekta u toku 2019. godine utrošeno je 697.101,33 KM. |
Contact details: |
Local community: City of Bijeljina Name and surname of person(s) at the (virtual) stand during the fair: Ankica Todorović Contact e-mail: ankica.todorovic@gradbijeljina.org Contact phone: +387 (0)55 233 132 Address, city, country: Trg kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 1, 76 300 Bijeljina, Republika Srpska (BiH) Link for Zoom or different communication software for B2B meetings: Web address: www.gradbijeljina.org Social networks links: |
About local community: |
Geostrategic location The City of Bijeljina is located in an attractive geostrategic location – at tripoint of Republika Srpska/BaH with Serbia and Croatia, the crossroads between large urban and industrial centres – Belgrade, Novi Sad, Banja Luka, Šabac, Tuzla, Sarajevo… At approximately thirty kilometres from Bijeljina there is an entrance to the Pan-European Corridor 10, or E-70 motorway Belgrade-Zagreb. This road is the shortest way from Semberija to Belgrade and Zagreb, and then to west and central Europe and south and east of the Balkan Peninsula. The territory of the City has two border crossings with Serbia, over the rivers Sava and Drina (Rača and Pavlović Bridge), which are the most frequent crossings for the traffic coming from the west and south of Republika Srpska/BaH to the north of Serbia and Belgrade. The City of Bijeljina has access to the navigable part of the river Sava towards the north, while the closest river ports to Bijeljina are in Brčko and Sremska Mitrovica (40 and 67 kilometres from Bijeljina respectively). The closest railway connection to Belgrade, Novi Sad, Zagreb, and further to the rest of Europe is in Šid and Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia. International airport in Tuzla is 50 kilometres away from Bijeljina, the airport in Sarajevo is 187 kilometres away, the airport in Banja Luka is 220 kilometres away, and Airport “Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade, Serbia is 121 kilometres away. |
Dominant economy sectors: |
According to the activities, the companies in the following areas have the largest share in the number of active companies: trading companies (41,70%);manufacturing companies (15,72%);professional, scientific, and technical activities (8,05%);civil engineering (7,78%);transportation and storage (6,33%).other activities with smaller share. The City of Bijeljina is the second most developed local community in Republika Srpska, and the following sectors of economy are active in this community: Primary sector – agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing: Favourable location at the edge of the Pannonian Basin and almost completely flat terrain enabled the development of agriculture, so the most of economy is based on agriculture, and Semberija is considered a granary of Republika Srpska and BaH. The most produced are crops – 80% (wheat, corn, barley), vegetables – 8% (cabbage, for which Semberija is known in the whole of former Yugoslavia, watermelon, cucumber, pepper, tomato…), industrial plants and roughage – 12% (sugar beet, tobacco, alfalfa…). Secondary sector – industry, mining, civil engineering and manufacturing trades: In processing of agricultural products two big companies lead the industry – Food Industry “Sava – Semberija”, “Spektar-drink” (https://spektardrink.net/), “Tanasić” (https://www.tanasic.net/) and others. Numerous small and medium sized enterprises are engaged in the production of bakery products – “Bodaxco Impex” (https://bodaxco.com/), bakery “Braća Lazić” (https://pekarabracalazic.com/), as well as production of cakes – pastry shops “San Marco” (https://sanmarco.ba/ and “Mozart” (https://mozartbn.com/)… The largest companies in meat processing industry are “ZP komerc” (http://www.zpkomerc.ba/) and “Globus” (http://www.globus-group.net/), and dairy “Mljekara Dule” is engaged in milk processing (https://mljekaradule.com/). Semberija also has several fodder producers that have reached the highest standards in this industry. “Savić company” (http://www.saviccompany.com/), “Rakić komerc” (http://rakickomerc.com/), “Intergaj” (https://www.intergaj.com/) and “Kiko” (http://www.kiko.ba/) stand out. In the field of metal industry, Aviation Institute “Orao” (https://orao.aero/) is engaged in the production and overhaul of equipment in aviation industry, and “Pass” is engaged in the production of spare parts for cars. “Drina” from Bijeljina produces construction material, and several enterprises extract gravel and sand from the river Drina and its banks. The biggest plants in the wood industry, for production of furniture, joinery, panel boards and semi-finished wood products are “Mega drvo” (http://www.megadrvo.net/sr/), “Steco Centar” (https://www.stecocentar.com/). “Trifunčević” (https://trifuncevic.com/), “Buk promet” (https://bukpromet.com/), “Intergaj” (https://www.intergaj.com/), “Brodac-Promet”, “Graditelj”, “Higra”, “Necoms-Project” (https://necomsproject.com/), “Rimax invest” (https://www.rimaxinvest.ba/) are engaged in civil engineering. Tertiary sector – transportation and telecommunications, trade, tourism, catering, crafts, banking and utilities: Geostrategic location of Bijeljina and Semberija allows for a fast development of activities in this sector. The City of Bijeljina, with approximately 115,000 inhabitants attracted the largest regional retail chains that opened well stocked mega markets “Tropic” (https://tropic.ba/), “Konzum” (https://www.konzum.co.ba/), “FIS” (https://fis.ba/), “Robot” (https://robot.ba/), “Bingo” (https://www.bingotuzla.ba/), and the largest local supermarket chain is “Bost” (https://bostbijeljina.com/). Also, goods of numerous global and domestic brands can be bought, because the manufacturers have their branch offices or distributors in Bijeljina. Beside the competition which provides local customers with lower prices compared to other places in Republika Srpska and BaH, the possibility to decrease the price of goods by the amount of value added tax (VAT) makes the shopping in Bijeljina very affordable for customers from neighbouring countries. Most of them come from Serbia. Agro Trade Centre “Knez Ivo od Semberije” (http://www.adgradbn.com/index.php/agrotrzni-centar/o-agrotrznom-centru) has developed itself into one of the largest wholesale markets for agricultural products in the north-east Republika Srpska and BaH, and this location hosts offices of many companies and branches. Agro Trade Centre is the place for organisation of fairs, and the Agricultural Fair “Interagro” (http://www.adgradbn.com/index.php/manifestacije/sajam-interagro) is organised every year in September. Tourism Due to traditional hospitality of the people from Semberija, wider offer in religious, hunting, fishing, spa, transit, fair, and ethno tourism, traces of a rich history, and location at the crossroads of important roads, the City of Bijeljina has become an attractive tourist destination visited by more and more domestic and foreign tourists. People from Semberija have become aware of the tourist potentials of their home, and started to invest significant funds into the development of this industry (https://www.bijeljinaturizam.com/). IT One of the most promising and most productive industries is information and communication technologies related activities. More and more companies in Bijeljina specialised in providing different services in this field (setting up cable networks for the telephone land lines and the Internet, development of computer software, hardware support, design, programming and setting up computer networks, designing information systems, staff training, etc.). According to the records of the Agency for intermediary, IT and financial services in Bijeljina there are 105 companies and independent entrepreneurs registered in Bijeljina in this industry. Systemic education at several faculties and secondary technical school makes a good basis for development of this sector. Media Thanks to numerous media companies based in Bijeljina and correspondents of electronic and print media, and also mostly young, lovers of journalism who report on Internet portals and social networks, Bijeljina has been an information centre of the north-eastern part of Republika Srpska and BaH for a long time. The influence of the media from Bijeljina has been noticed in the region, but also in diaspora. In that way the media promote Semberija and all the potentials that this area has to offer. |
Industrial-business zones: |
Industrial-business zones represent one of the most important tools used by the City of Bijeljina to create prerequisites for the development of economy, to encourage domestic and foreign investments, production and export, transfer of new technologies and knowledge, and for adding value. It is important to note that the City of Bijeljina is the only local self-government in Republika Srpska that successfully set up multiple industrial-business zones. The idea is based on the assumption of sustainability, proper planning and use of space, with maximum preservation and protection of natural resources and the environment as a whole. Industrial – business zone 1 Area/location: 83,5 ha, north-east urban territory of the City of Bijeljina Infrastructure: City water supply network, hydrant, electric, and telephone network, Internet access, traffic infrastructure. Basic activities: Trade, service, and industrial production activities. Number of business entities: 21. Activities: Logging, production of construction products from plastics, production of soaps and detergents, production of metal structures, production of agricultural machines, production, repair and maintenance of aircraft, trade, service activities related to information technology, rental and real estate business. Plots available for investments: 0. Area of the plots for investments: 0.00 m2. Industrial – business zone 2 Area/location: 126 ha, north-east urban territory of the City of Bijeljina Infrastructure: City water supply network, hydrant, electric, and telephone network, Internet access, traffic infrastructure. Basic activities: Trade, service, and industrial production activities. Number of active business entities: 6; Number of production plants under construction: 20. Activities: Collection of non-hazardous waste, sawing and planing of wood (production of sawn timber); impregnation of wood, other printing, wholesale of motor vehicle parts and accessories, manufacture of other general-purpose machinery, other retail sale in non-specialised stores. Plots available for investments: 0. Area of the plots for investments: 0.00 m2. Industrial – business zone 3 Area/location: 22 ha, north-west urban territory of the City of Bijeljina Infrastructure: City water supply network, hydrant, electric, and telephone network, Internet access, traffic infrastructure. Basic activities: Light industry and small-scale economy. Number of active business entities: 4. Activities: Production of plastic packaging, production of finished metal products, non-specialised wholesale trade, recycling (processing) of classified materials. Plots available for investments: 1. Area of the plots for investments: 7000.00 m2. Industrial – business zone 4 – Under preparation Area/location: 191.68 ha, north-west urban territory of the City of Bijeljina Infrastructure: City water supply network, hydrant, electric, and telephone network, Internet access, traffic infrastructure. Purpose: Industrial production zone, light industry, small-scale economy. In the coming period, it is necessary to modify the Regulatory Plan “Industrial Zone 4”, since one part of the Belgrade-Sarajevo motorway passes through the zone, after which the project to establish an Industrial zone in order to create a more favourable business environment in the City of Bijeljina will be implemented. |
Projects currently being implemented and future projects |
Construction of a new bus station A new bus station is under construction at the location of the old train station. Building the new bus station will create conditions to displace the suburban, intercity, and international bus traffic, which will significantly decrease congestions in the centre of the city. The bus station complex is divided into four parts, or the four main functions necessary for this type of complex. The main building – central part of the bus station is a passenger building. What influenced the order of purposes of such parts is the movement of buses and pedestrians. In the first phase, a platform for arrival with a canopy, the main building of the bus station – passenger building, a platform for departure with a canopy and a control service building will be built. In the second phase, a business building for commercial and service activities will be built. Deadline for completion is July 2021. Natural gas pipeline construction in the City of Bijeljina The project of natural gas pipeline construction in the City of Bijeljina is in its final phase. Approximately 300 kilometres of the primary and secondary pipeline has been built. A transport pipeline Šepak-Bijeljina, with a length of 20 km has been completed. The construction and installation of the “Šepak” gate station is in the final phase, which will enable uninterrupted supply of natural gas to the City of Bijeljina. It is estimated that around BAM 20,000,000.00 was invested in this project. Motorway construction Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia Government signed a cooperation agreement for the implementation of the Sarajevo-Beograd motorway construction project. Sarajevo-Beograd motorway section, with the length of 37.80 km, passes through the territory of the City of Bijeljina and the process of land expropriation for the construction of the mentioned section is currently in progress. Parking garage between Save Kovačevića Street and 27. marta Street The location planned for the construction of a public parking garage in accordance with the Regulatory Plan “Centar grada” (City Centre), is in the southern part of the central city zone, in the very centre of Bijeljina. Construction of a new multi-purpose sports hall Local Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023 foresees the construction of a multi-purpose sports hall, which would create spatial and technical prerequisites for improving the cultural offer of the City, increase the number of users of sports and recreational activities, but also provide conditions for playing premier league and European competitions in Bijeljina. In the immediate vicinity, the construction of “Sports and recreational complex – football pitches with accompanying facilities” is planned in accordance with the urban construction project on the site of LC “Veljko Lukić”. Rehabilitation, reconstruction and modernisation of the built part of the hotel “Sveti Stefan” Dvorovi Implementation of the project Rehabilitation, reconstruction and modernisation of the built part of the hotel “Sveti Stefan” Dvorovi has started – Implementation of this project, together with increased number of overnight stays and use of spa-recreational and rehabilitation potentials will increase and improve tourist offer in the City of Bijeljina. In 2019, BAM 697,101.33 was spent for the implementation of this project. |
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